HAND Update

There has been a lot of activity with HAND the past 24 hours. 

First, we are sad to report that Raj, who is leprosy affected is dying. We were able to provide him with $400 toward medical expenses today but unfortunately, he will be discharged from the hospital soon. Raj's heart is operating at 35% and he has a terrible peritoneal infection from his dialysis.  Tomorrow, Brian is meeting with Raj's children to discuss plans after Raj dies per Raj's request. The children are 15 and 18.  As an organization, and per our mission, we will do our best to look out for his orphan children after he passes. Raj told Brian today that he is grateful to HAND for extending his life long enough to see his kids into their teens.  The life has gone from his eyes though and he can barely breathe or sit up.  With Raj's hospital bills mounting, he will probably be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.  In Nepal you have to pay up front.  If Raj gets discharged, Brian will carry him out of the hospital and get him home.

In other news, Brian was a speaker for a fundraiser to build a new school that was destroyed in the earthquake.  Currently 125 children are meeting in 3 tiny classrooms that are open on all 4 sides, but at least have a tin roof after they put a roof and pony walls of stone back up.  Brian was honored that he was asked to speak to 150 people.  Brian has spent a lot of time with the school and it was a great honor for him to be part of the event.

Brian has several meetings scheduled over the next couple days, and the HAND team in partnership with the other organizations we have worked with (GOP, One Heart and MIDSON) will be departing on another mission soon. Currently, Brian is scheduled to leave Nepal in mid-June and has several projects and trips lined up before his departure.

Thank you for your support of our work in Nepal. You make all of this possible. 

Posted by Matt E. Please consider a tax free donation to HAND